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City Harvest

City Harvest is a non-profit foundation created in1982 whose purpose is to end hunger in communities throughout NewYorkCity. The foundation started 40 years ago by Helen verDuin Palit,who saw the overwhelming need to repurpose the abundance of excess food waste in New York City for her neighbors who were struggling to put a meal on their table.

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Foundation Growth

City Harvest is now the largest food rescue foundation in New York City. To this date they have rescued and delivered over 1 billion pounds of food to New Yorkers in need. In 2022 alone, they will rescue and deliver 75 million pounds of food to pantries,homeless soup kitchens and many other community kitchens in need. The organization has grown to over 190 employees, thousands of community volunteers, 23 rescue trucks and a brand new food rescue center in Brooklyn


City Harvest BID: Through The Looking Glass


Non profit Foundation




October 18th, 2022

On Tuesday October 18th, 2022 City Harvest hosted their BID: Through the Looking Glass at The Glasshouse flagship location. Guests experienced the chance to taste a signature dish from 50 of New Yorks best chefs, restaurants and experiential mixologists.

City Harvest 2022 Bid

Guests had the opportunity to bid on extraordinary chef & winner experiences like a private jet trip to The Cayman Islands with French Chef,EricRipert.Their live& silent auctions that evening brough in an outstanding 2 million dollars or 4 million meals for New Yorkers. This event held at The Glasshouse was a record setting BID for City Harvest! They increased their donations by 2.8 million meals from the last BID in 2019

Live Auction

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